She doesn't mind helping.

Level 6 - Lesson Number 110

We use this expression to tell that doing some action is okay for us. We are only talking about personal feelings and opinions.

The expression "I don't mind" has a similar meaning to "It is okay with me" or "It doesn't matter to me".
  • I don't mind cleaning my house.
Do I love cleaning my house? No. Do I hate cleaning my house? No. I neither love nor hate it. It is just okay to me.

We can also use it with a person.
  • I don't mind Jon.
I don't mind + noun/gerund…
  • I don't mind watching the kids while you go out.
  • I do not mind waiting for you. Take your time.
  • I don't mind staying in on Friday night.
  • I don't mind dogs.
  • I don't mind dirty places.
  • I don't mind eating out, but I also don't mind eating at home. You choose.
  • I don't mind her. She is okay.
  • I don't mind working with her.
  • I don't mind spicy food.
  • I don't mind him. He seems okay to me.
  • I don't mind loud noises.
We can use other subjects.
  • He doesn't mind working late.
  • Mary doesn't mind being poor.
  • They don't mind the hot weather.
  • My dog doesn't mind sleeping on the floor.
  • The children don't mind playing inside.
  • Ben doesn't mind working late at night.
  • Karen doesn't mind waking up early.
  • Steve and Tara don't mind living in a noisy city.
  • She doesn't mind being alone.
Bonus Tips and Points

1. We can use "did not mind" to talk about feelings in the past.
  • I didn't mind doing homework when I was young.
  • When I was in my 20s, I did not mind cigarette smoke, but now every time I smell smoke from a cigarette, I feel sick.
  • She didn't mind helping us finish the report last week.
  • They didn't mind watching our baby while we visited my grandmother in the hospital.
2. "Do not mind" is used to show that something is okay. We do not love it, but we also do not hate it. "Do not care" is used to show that we have no interest in something or someone or that something or someone is not important to us.
  • I don't mind her.
    (=I don't like her, but I don't hate her either.)

  • I don't care about her.
    (=I have no interest in her and what she does.)

  • I don't mind cleaning the house.
    (=It doesn't make me angry or happy to clean the house.)

  • I don't care about having a clean house.
    (=Having a clean house is not important to me.)
Real-World English Conversations

A) I hate washing the dishes!
B) I'll do them and you can do the laundry.
A) Are you sure?
B) Yes. I don't mind washing the dishes. I think it is relaxing.

A) You can go out without me. I need more time to get ready.
B) I don't mind waiting for you. I am not in a hurry.
A) Thanks. I'll try to hurry.

A) I don't mind watching a romantic comedy movie if you want to watch one.
B) Great! There is a new one that I really want to see.

A) Many people don't like riding the bus, but I don't mind it.
B) I hate riding the bus. It is always crowded and bumpy.

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