I am willing to…

Level 6 - Lesson Number 118

This sentence pattern is used to show that we will do something if we need to, if it is required, or if we have no problem doing it. It does not mean that we want to do something. It shows that we will do it if we need to.
  • I am willing to work weekends or holidays.
    (This doesn't mean that I want to work on weekends or holidays, but it means that I will work on these days if it is required or if I need to.)

  • I would prefer to stay in New York City, but if the company needs me to work somewhere else, then I am willing to move.
    (My first choice is not to move, but I am will do it if the company needs me to.)
Subject + be verb + willing + infinitive…
  • I am willing to help you.
  • She is willing to donate money to our charity.
  • I am willing to move abroad for work.
  • They are willing to accept your offer.
  • He was willing to answer our questions.
"Not willing" is very similar to "do not want".
  • He is not willing to move abroad.
  • She's not willing to transfer to a branch office.
  • They aren't willing to negotiate.
  • Mark isn't willing to compromise.
  • My children are often not willing to eat their vegetables.
It is very common to use an if-statement with these sentences. This means that we are willing or not willing to do something, but it depends on another condition.

Subject + be verb + willing + infinitive + if…
  • They are willing to lower the price if you order more units.
  • I am willing to forgive him if he apologizes first.
We can also switch the order of the sentence.
  • If the company offers me more money, then I am willing to join their sales team.
  • If they are serious about it, then my boss is willing to listen to them.
Bonus Tips and Points

1. Do not use "willing" when asking questions about things that people usually like or want.
  • Are you willing to get a present? (Strange Question!)
  • Are you willing to get a higher salary? (Strange Question!)
These are strange questions because everybody wants to get a present or has no problem getting a higher salary.

2. These questions are often used during job interviews. Here are some examples of questions.

We often use "would" with these questions as part of an unreal conditional, but the "if-statement" has been removed.
  • Are you willing to travel on business?
  • Are you willing to move to a different city?
  • Are you willing to work overtime?
  • Are you willing to work on holidays if there is an emergency?
  • Would you be willing to work late to help your coworkers (if you were hired)?
  • Would you be willing to transfer to a branch office (if you worked here)?
  • Would you be willing to start next week (if you got the job)?
Real-World English Conversations

A) Would you be willing to work weekends?
B) I prefer to spend time with my family on the weekend, but if there is an emergency or important work, then I would be willing to work on the weekend.

A) Would you be willing to give up one month's salary in exchange for one month's vacation?
B) Haha. That is a funny question. Yes, I would be willing to give one month's salary for a one-month vacation. But I think my wife would be very angry with me.

A) Are you willing to die for your country?
B) To be honest, I don't think so.

A) Would you be willing to steal to feed your family?
B) Yes. I would be willing to do that.

A) Would you be willing to move abroad to work?
B) I think it depends on what country I was moving to. I don't like hot places, so I don't know if I could move anywhere that is too hot.

Use these free English lessons to learn the most common sentence patterns in the English language. If you learn these sentences and questions, it will help you speak English well. Study the lessons thoroughly, practice making your own sentences, and come back to review often. If you do these three steps, your English speaking will improve quickly and you will be able to have natural English conversations.